Doctor of Education (EdD)




The Doctor of Education (EdD) in Christian Ministry exists to provide qualified students with advanced foundational and professional training in the practice of educational ministry. The EdD is the highest professional degree for individuals actively engaged in educational ministry in local churches, global missions, church-related organizations, Christian schools, and Christian alternative education.




Students who successfully complete the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program in Christian Ministry must demonstrate the following:

  1. A vibrant and deepened professional calling to Christian educational ministry.
  2. The ability to critically evaluate and (re)construct the biblical, theological, philosophical, and educational goals of educational ministry, and appropriately apply their knowledge and principles within their chosen ministry context.
  3. Enhanced ministry skills (e.g., teaching, leadership, counseling, communication, supervision) to effectively fulfill the duties and responsibilities assigned to them as Christian educators, based on a solid biblical and theological foundation and thorough research.
  4. Advanced interdisciplinary research skills to write a doctoral dissertation that integrates educational theory with theology and other disciplines such as behavioral and social sciences.




ED.D. ACADEMIC progress Checklist (36 units)

교육학 박사 과정 학사진행 체크리스트 (36학점)

Foundational Studies (기초) (6)
EUDED 801 Reformed Worldview & Spiritual Formation (개혁주의 세계관 및 영적형성) (3)
EUDED 803 Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Research (교육학 방법론: 양적 및 질적 연구) (3)
Major Concentration Studies (전공) (15)
EUDED 804 Advanced Studies in Theology, History and Philosophy of C.E. (기독교 교육학의 역사와 철학) (3)
EUDED 805 Advanced Studies in Developmental Psychology (발달 심리학)(3)
EUDED 806 Contemporary Education: Theory and Practice (현대 교육: 이론과 실제) (3)
EUDED 808 Church Educational Ministry (교회 교육사역학) (3)
EUDED 809 Curriculum Design & Assessment in Intercultural Settings
Electives (9) [Choose 3 courses]
EUDED 810 Educational Counseling (3)
EUDED 811 Educational Administration/Leadership (3)
EUDED 813 Technology, Society, and Educational Ministry (3)
EUDED 814 Independent Studies: Special Topics
*The offerings of elective courses may be subject to change, depending on the school’s discretion. 선택 과목의 제공은 학교의 계획과 판단에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.
Dissertation (논문) (2 Courses) (6)
EUDED 821 Dissertation-Develop the Proposal (논문 계획서) (3)
EUDED 822 Dissertation (논문) (3)