Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


The Doctor of Ministry program exists to equip pastors, missionaries, and leaders in Christian organizations to be more competent in their practice of ministry, and to revitalize their personal and spiritual life. Doctor of Ministry program is not a research program but it sets high academic standards. Students are able to remain in full-time ministry while they engage in this learning process.


Having successfully completed the DMin degree program, students will have demonstrated:

  1. a reinvigorated and deepened vocational calling to ministry;
  2. an advanced understanding of ministry leadership in a local church or other chosen ministry settings;
  3. an in-depth contextual and critical thinking to identify, analyze, and respond to essential issues of ministry ;
  4. an advanced theological integration to engage their cultural context with a biblical, Reformed theological perspective in a doctoral dissertation or report on field-based research;
  5. enhanced leadership capacity in their chosen ministry settings (e.g., worship leading, preaching, teaching, administration, counseling, urban mission, overseas mission).


ADEMIC progress Checklist (36 units)

목회학 박사 과정 학사진행 체크리스트 (36학점)

COMMON CORE (공통 필수) (6)
DMCR 801 리서치 방법론과 논문 작성(Research Methodology & Dissertation Writing) (3)
DMCR 803 기독교 지도자들을 위한 영성형성(Spiritual Formation for Christian Leaders) (3)
If you want one of two Concentrations specified on your transcript, you MUST earn 12 core units from your chosen concentration and write a dissertation on the topic relevant to that concentration. Otherwise, you will belong to the General track and CAN earn 12 core units from either Concentration.


CONCENTRATION 1: Gospel Preaching and Communication Concentration Studies (복음설교와 커뮤니케이션 전공 필수) (12)
DMCR 810 예수의 복음설교와 목회적 적용(Jesus’ Gospel Preaching and Its Pastoral Applications) (3)
DMCR 811 바울의 복음설교와 목회적 적용(Paul’s Gospel Preaching and Its Pastoral Applications)  (3)
DMCR 812 구약의 복음설교와 목회적 적용(Gospel Preaching in the OT and Its Pastoral Applications)  (3)
DMCR 813 복음과 문화(Engaging the Gospel and the Culture)  (3)
CONCENTRATION 2: Pastoral and Congregational Studies (목회와 회중 연구 전공 필수) (12)
DMCR 813 복음과 문화(Engaging the Gospel and the Culture)  (3)
DMCR 821 개혁주의 예배와 실천(Reformed Worship Theology and Practice) (3)
DMCR 822 목회와 리더십 이슈들(Issues on Ministry and Leadership) (3)
DMCR 823 목회/사역에 대한 교육학적 접근들(Educational Approaches to Ministry) (3)
DMCR 824 가족 위기와 목회 상담(Family Crisis and Pastoral Counseling) (3)
Electives (12) [Choose 4 courses]
DMPM 830 목회자를 위한 신약 교회론(NT Ecclesiology for Pastors) (3)
DMPM 831 바울의 영성과 목회/사역 리더십(Paul’s Spirituality and Pastoral Leadership) (3)
DMPM 832 현대설교학과 복음설교(Contemporary Homiletics and Gospel Preaching) (3)
DMDP 835 기술, 목회, 선교(Technology, Ministry, and Mission) (3)
DMDP 836 초문화/간문화적 상황에서의 복음 전달(Gospel Communication in the Cross-cultural/Intercultural Context) (3)
*The offerings of elective courses may be subject to change, depending on the school’s discretion. 선택 과목의 제공은 학교의 계획과 판단에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.

**The student in one concentration may also take the other concentration’s core courses as elective units. 한 집중분야에 속해 있는 경우라도 다른 집중분야 필수과목을 선택과목으로 이수할 수 있습니다.

Dissertation (논문) (3 Courses) (6)
DMDP 802SM Program Info Seminar(프로그램 안내 세미나) (0)
DMDP 851 Dissertation-Develop the Proposal(논문 계획서) (3)
DMDP 852 Dissertation(논문) (3)