M.A. in Christian Education




The purpose of the Master of Arts in Christian Education (MACE) program is to prepare men and women who desire to use their spiritual gifts and abilities of expanding the Lordship of Jesus in every area of their life and ministry.

MACE is a professional degree to develop and equip students with biblical and theological knowledge and ability to serve in a particular field of Christian educational ministry including children’s Sunday school, youth ministry, para-church ministry, alternative Christian education (including homeschooling) or missions.

The program requires two years of full-time study as all courses are offered both in residency and online. This program contributes to the EU’s commitment to assisting the church in fulfilling the Great Commission by providing Christian education training with many churches in Southern California, missionaries on the mission field, and lay ministers of education.




Having completed the MACE degree program, students will have demonstrated:

  1. a personal and spiritual formation that is foundational to Christian life and educational ministry (e.g., the shaping of Christian identity, growth in personal faith and Christian lifestyle, professional ethics);
  2. a sense of God’s calling to the Christian education ministry to advance God’s kingly rule in every sphere of life;
  3. knowledge and understanding of the biblical, theological, historical, and psychological foundations of Christian education;
  4. an ability to articulate the biblical and theological goals of Christian education ministry and integrate educational theories and practice;
  5. ministerial skills to fulfill the assigned duties and responsibilities as Christian educators and leaders in various life and ministry settings (e.g., teaching, counseling and leading in Church educational ministry, Christian schools, and alternative Christian educational ministry including Christian homeschooling).


Graduation Requirements



M.A.C.E. ACADEMIC progress Checklist (48 units)

교육학 석사 과정 학사진행 체크리스트 (48학점)

Biblical Studies (성경연구) (6)
BS 501 Bible Survey I (3)  
BS 502 Bible Survey II (3)  
Christian Education Foundational Studies (기독교교육 기초) (9)
CE 502 Introduction to Theology (신학개론) (3)  
CE 503 Introduction to Christian Philosophy (기독교 철학 개론) (3)  
CE 504 Introduction to Psychology (심리학 개론) (3)  
RM 501


Research Methods and Writing (연구방법론 및 논문작성법)(0) [P/F]

[The student must pass no later than the second semester. 이 과목을 2학기까지는 등록수강하고 통과하셔야 합니다.]

Christian Education Concentration Courses (기독교교육 전공) (15)
CE 505 Foundation of Christian Education (기독교 교육의 기초) (3)  
CE 602 Life Span Development (전생애 발달심리) (3)  
CE 603 Administrative Leadership and Educational Ministry (행정 리더십 및 교육 목회) (3)  
CE 604 Teaching Methods (기독교 교육 교수법) (3)  
CE608 Introduction to Church Education (교회교육 개론) (3)  
Church Ministry Focus (3) [at least 1 course from the following]
CE 605 Children’s Ministry (아동부 사역) (3)  
CE 606 Youth Ministry (중고등부 사역) (3)  
CE 607 Life-Long Education (평생 교육학) (3)  
CE 612 Family Ministry (가정사역) (3)  
Christian Education Internship (목회사역실습)(3)
CE 610 CE Internship/Field Education (기독교교육 실습)(3) (200 hours of supervised ministry experience) [P/F]

[If the student has had more than 200 hours of supervised ministry experience in a local church or other ministry settings before the first semester, he/she may consult with the academic advisor regarding an alternative option. 만일 등록 첫학기 이전에 200시간 이상의 사역경험이 있는 경우 대체 옵션에 대해 아카데믹 어드바이저에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.]

Elective (선택과목) (12)