MA in Religion program is designed for those who desire to strengthen the Christian basis for one’s life and work, whether in a secular career or a church staff position, without seeking ordination as ordained ministers. The goal is to help the student to integrate and apply the biblical worldview in a particular field of calling, either in arts and sciences or a particular area of ministry.
Having successfully completed the MAR degree program, students will have demonstrated:
- a personal and spiritual formation that is foundational to Christian life and non-ordained ministry in broader contexts (e.g., the shaping of Christian identity, growth in personal faith, theological thinking, Christian lifestyle, a vocational conviction for ministry, and moral integrity);
- An ability to read and interpret the Bible (Old and New Testaments) in its contexts and with the Reformed biblical hermeneutical principles and relate the Biblical truths to personal and public spheres of life and ministry;
- An ability to articulate the Christian doctrines and traditions and address contemporary societal, cultural, and theological issues with biblical, Reformed theological perspectives;
- Intercultural competency to understand and engage with the people embracing other religious traditions and worldviews to communicate to them the Christian gospel effectively;
- An ability to integrate a Christian worldview into ministerial endeavors in their vocation and other life and ministry settings with a commitment to the Lordship of Christ.
Overview of the Total Credit Requirement
M.A.R. ACADEMIC progress Checklist (48 units)
종교학 석사 과정 학사진행 체크리스트 (48학점)
Research Methodology & Writing (연구방법론 및 논문작성) (0) | |||
RM 501
Research Methods and Writing (연구방법론 및 논문작성법)(0) [P/F]
[The student must pass no later than the second semester.이 과목을 2학기까지는 등록수강하고 통과하셔야 합니다.] |
Biblical Studies (성경연구) (15) | |||
Old Testament (구약) (6) [2 courses from the following] | |||
OT 601 | Pentateuch (모세오경)(3) | ||
OT 602 | Historical Books (역사서)(3) | ||
OT 603 | Prophetical Books (선지서) (3) | ||
OT 604 | Poetry and Wisdom (시가/지혜서)(3) | ||
New Testament (신약)(9) [3 courses from the following] | |||
NT 621 | Jesus and the Gospels (예수와 복음서)(3) | ||
NT 622 | Acts & Pauline Epistles (사도행전과 바울서신)(3) | ||
NT 623 | General Epistles and Revelation (공동서신/요한계시록)(3) | ||
BI 600 | Biblical Interpretation (성경해석학)(3) [등록 필수]
[covering both the OT and NT 신구약성경] |
Christian Thoughts and Experience (기독교 사상과 경험) (12) | |||
Theological Studies (조직신학)(6) [2 courses from the following] | |||
TH 600 | Introduction to Theology (신학서론)(3)
[Ideally, in the first semester, or no later than the first year 첫학기 혹은 첫해 수강 권장] |
TH 601 | Systematic Theology 1 (조직신학 1)(3)
[covering God, man, and Christology 신론, 인간론, 기독론] |
TH 602 | Systematic Theology 2 (조직신학 2)(3)
[covering soteriology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, and eschatology 구원론, 성령론, 교회론, 종말론] |
Church History (교회사)(3) [1 course from the following] | |||
CH 610 | Church History 1 (교회사 1) (3)
[covering early church and medieval church 초대교회와 중세교회] |
CH 611 | Church History 2 (교회사 2) (3)
[covering Reformation through modern church 종교개혁과 현대교회] |
Spiritual and Ministerial Training (영적훈련과 사역훈련) (12) | |||
Practical Theology (실천신학)(12) [4 courses from the following] | |||
PT 501 | Personal and Spiritual Formation (영적 성장과 형성 ) (3) | ||
PT 512 | Pastoral Ministry and Leadership (목회사역과 리더십) (3) | ||
PT 642 | Pastoral Counseling and Care (목회상담과 돌봄) (3) | ||
PR 500 | Preaching Ministry 1 (설교 사역 1) (3)
[covering biblical exegesis through sermon preparation and entry-level delivery practice 성경 주해, 설교 준비, 설교 전달의 기초] |
PR 501 | Preaching Ministry 2 (설교 사역 2) (3)
[covering regular practice and assessment of sermon preparation and delivery 정기적인 설교 사역 실행 및 설교 준비와 전달 평가] |
CE 505 | Foundation of Christian Education (기독교교육 기초) (3) | ||
IS 600 | Introduction to Christian Mission (선교학 개론) (3) | ||
Pastoral Internship (목회사역실습)(3) | |||
PT 611 | Ministry Internship (목회실습)(3) (200 hours of supervised ministry experience) [P/F]
[If the student has had more than 200 hours of supervised ministry experience in a local church or other ministry settings before the first semester, he/she may consult with the academic advisor regarding an alternative option. 만일 등록 첫학기 이전에 200시간 이상의 사역경험이 있는 경우 대체 옵션에 대해 아카데믹 어드바이저에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.] |
Elective (선택과목) (9) | |||
*Bible Knowledge Test (성경시험) (0) [P/F] |